Saturday, November 3, 2012

Season Premier

          Two weeks of break from school is not enough. I can't believe that school is going to start again. The thoughts of me going back to school on Monday makes me feel uneasy and I'm just not ready.

           A large part of my sem break went to sleeping, watching TV and going online. Some parts were spent on writing and procrastinating- it's what I do best! I actually made a list of things-to-do this break and 90% of that was not done. I'm so lazy! The only major thing I can think of that I became very productive was me registering as a voter, which took only few hours to get done. I was also supposed to continue doing my 1,000 piece puzzle but I think I only added two pieces. For 2 weeks I only added 2 pieces. LOL. SRSLY! Again, I'm so lazy. I also wrote in my things-to-do list to read any material for 2 hours but I only read tweets and anything that I see on my news feeds. I also tried changing my waking/sleeping routine but that never happened as well.

Here's what I do normally:

2:00-3:00 pm

I wake up and have my late lunch. If I wake up early like 12, I eat then watch little TV then take a nap and wake up again around 3 or for in the afternoon.

3:00-10:00 pm

This is the time where I watch TV, eat dinner, shower, do random non-sense stuff, watch more TV, lying in my bed imagining things that'll never happen, listening to my new downloaded music and stretching (I love stretching).

10:00 pm-1:00 am

I go online. Of course I do the usual- Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+ and YouTube. Sometimes if I get on the computer a little late I finish a little late too.

1:00-3:00 am

This is the part of day where I channel surf, do personal hygiene thing and eat snacks before going to sleep. I usually check fb and twitter on my phone before really sleeping, and then I pray after that I hit the sack.

          Yeah I know that my sem break is pretty lame, but I still liked it. I know that in the next few days I'll be waking up early again, doing loads of assignment and dealing with school's never ending drama, and this sem break literally gave me a break of everything stressful at school. Since school's going to start I'm going to stay in Manila more often than with my family and that is what I'm going to miss the most.

          Another season will be premiering on Monday and I'm hoping that it will turn out great. Last semester was running smoothly until we reached the latter part of it- a season ender I'll never forget.

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